BIG NEWS! Our first bi-weekly update is going live on Thursday, April 14th!
Among other features and fixes, this patch will introduce a vital feature to Ertha — INTERIORS. The full patch notes will be released on the day of the update.
At 12:00 UTC, we will be hosting a LIVE AMA and discussing the update exclusively on!
Submit your questions for the first segment of the AMA under this tweet!
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game with extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying in a vast geopolitical map.
With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in virtual and real worlds.
Welcome to Ertha