Great news, Erthians! The next big Ertha Beta update will be launching December 13th!
We’re adjusting the version numbers for the upcoming couple of patches — v0.4 will now be known as the Ertha Graphical Update (previously called v0.3.5), because the update will be bigger than previously planned.
Expect a completely revamped & improved visual experience, new mechanics, UI updates and many QOL improvements.
V0.4 will also be available on macOS, both for Apple Silicon and Intel versions.
Patch v0.5 will now be known as the Ertha Landowner Update. (Previously called v0.4). It will introduce landscape & terrain generation, terraforming, property building, inventory systems and other mechanics related to taking care of your pieces of land.
Patch v0.5 is now in the final stages of development, and planned to be released not long after v0.4.
We’re also working overtime on the back-end processes of the game’s economy, designing and creating various mechanics that are not ready to be shown yet, but we’re getting close.
Stay tuned for more info and leaks!
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game with extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying in a vast geopolitical map.
With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in virtual and real worlds.
Welcome to Ertha