ERTHA has reached the next level. You asked and we delivered — the very first real-world brand, KuCoin, is now integrated inside of the ERTHA Metaverse!
This is game changing — the highly functional and state of the art KuCoin Office has been built inside the ERTHA Beta. It’s a place where you will be able to see what the ERTHA metaverse truly has to offer to its players — custom NFTs, great graphics, NFT Buildings and more!
Specifically, the integration will also offer live crypto charts and transport you to the KuCoin exchange platform in a matter of seconds!
All of this will be available on July 28th, together with the long awaited ERTHA Beta v0.3 update!
This is not just great news for ERTHA, but for the whole GameFi and Metaverse world in general. The ERTHA Metaverse is proud to be at the cutting edge of innovation.
To add to the excitement, we’re also collaborating on a Telegram AMA and Youtube video, where you will be able to win $3000 worth of ERTHA prizes! More information will be shared over the following days.
This has opened the door to a new realm of possibilities, and is just the beginning of many partnerships and integrations to come. Stay tuned for more news!
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game with extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying in a vast geopolitical map.
With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in virtual and real worlds.
Welcome to Ertha