With Ertha, we are pioneering new and innovative solutions that can make the experience of gaming not just fun but productive. To succeed in Ertha, players must always be progressing, and not only in-game.
We offer our players opportunities to learn and improve real-life skills by introducing Play-to-Learn educational content which we integrate into various in-game activities.
As humans, we have a natural curiosity that enables our ability to learn. We incentivize our players with the greatest desire to improve their knowledge by giving them the tools to rise above their competition and become powerful forces within the Erthaverse.
Opportunities are almost limitless, and your time in-game needn’t go to waste. If you want to become a business mogul, why not get a business degree, start a small company and take it from there? How about something a little more unseemly? Become a hacker by studying computer science, and start bypassing those annoying digital walls!
This brings us to another of Ertha’s core mechanics, studying!
Studying in ERTHA
Taking time out to study allows players to increase skills that are unrelated to Ertha’s other mechanics, like fighting. Topics available to choose from are as wide-ranging as cooking to law.
The act of study is not only important for individuals. Each player’s personal progress has wider implications that contribute to their countries overall wealth and competitiveness in Ertha’s global markets. Well-educated players can raise their industry’s level and produce practical inventions that allow businesses to increase their productivity. In order to incentivize this type of thoughtful play, players will be rewarded with paid-for scholarships based on their performance whilst studying.
Studies are split into individual levels based on their difficulty. Players will start by earning a Beginners degree before they can move on to a Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral, and finally, an Expert degree. Naturally, higher levels of study are more challenging and they reward players with more in-game experience.
If all that’s still not enough reason to get you studying, we plan to implement a competitive element. We know that some can’t help but compete in most aspects of gaming, so we have designed a study ranking system. See how you fare against your fellow Erthians by filtering through specific study sets, skill levels, and countries of residence.
For more information on Ertha, join our growing Discord, Telegram, and Twitter communities. Check out our brand new NFT land marketplace and start plotting your course to dominate Ertha!
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game with extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying in a vast geopolitical map.
With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in virtual and real worlds.
Welcome to Ertha