In case you haven’t used PancakeSwap before or need some clarification, this article will serve as a useful guide on how to buy the ERTHA Token.
Setting up Metamask
To begin, you will need to open a Metamask account. You will need the Metamask browser extension.
Install the extension to your browser.
Create an account, follow the sign up process and remember to save and safely store your backup keys.
You should now see your wallet as shown in the screenshot above.
You will now need to connect Metamask to the Binance Smart Chain network.
Click on the colorful circle in the top-right corner to open a menu and click on Settings.
Next, scroll down and click on Networks.
Then, click on “Add Network”.
A new tab will open, and you will see the following screen:
Enter the following information:
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol (optional): BNB
Block Explorer URL (optional):
Click Save.
Congratulations, you have successfully added the BSC network to your Metamask! You can switch between networks by clicking on the dropdown menu as shown in the image above.
You will now need to fund the Metamask account (BNB is recommended) using any method you prefer (from an exchange or another wallet).
Purchasing ERTHA on PancakeSwap
Once you have some BNB in your Metamask wallet, head over to
Click on Connect Wallet in the Top-Right corner.
Select Metamask.
A Metamask window is going to pop up, enter your password and log in.
Your wallet will now appear in the Top right of the page.
Now, go to
You will see the following screen:
Click on the “CAKE” token to open up the coin selection menu.
A coin selection screen will open up.
Paste the following ERTHA Token contract address:
Important! This contract address is the ONE AND ONLY Ertha Token contract address. Any other contract address claiming to be the Ertha Token is a scam. Always check addresses carefully!
Click Import.
Click “I understand” and Import.
You have successfully added the Ertha Token to your PancakeSwap.
Now, you should adjust your slippage. Click on the gear icon.
In the following screen, set your slippage to 1%.
NOTE: In case the transaction doesn’t go through and you get an error, try increasing slippage to 1.5% or 2%.
Exit the settings menu by clicking anywhere else on the screen.
Enter the amount of BNB you want to swap for ERTHA Tokens, and click Swap.
A Metamask prompt will pop up — click confirm to confirm the swap.
The swap usually takes no longer than a minute to complete.
Congratulations, you’ve successfully purchased ERTHA Tokens!
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game with extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying in a vast geopolitical map.
With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in virtual and real worlds.
Welcome to Ertha