Ertha keeps taking huge steps forward! Spintop will be the next Web3 brand integrated inside the game’s ecosystem.
The beautiful Spintop Skyscraper will soon be available to visit in-game, and serve as a base of operations for Spintop in the Ertha Metaverse. Each and every Erthian will be able to see its full glory!
You can also earn huge rewards for a limited time by staking on Spindex!
Get $SPIN and $ERTHA double rewards from $SPIN — $ERTHA LP FARMING Pools!
We’re only getting started with partnerships and in-game integrations. Stay tuned for more!
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game with extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying in a vast geopolitical map.
With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in virtual and real worlds.
Welcome to Ertha